gastrula stage

  • 原肠胚期
gastrula stagegastrula stage
  1. The results showed that , the digestive canal initiated from the gastrocoele , which was formed by invagination at gastrula stage .


  2. The results showed that water content decreased first , then increased in the gastrula stage of embryonic development , reached the highest content at the second phrase larvae stage and then began to decrease from the third phase larva stage .


  3. The results showed : At gastrula stage , the cells in front of the embryonic area gradually cleave to form optic disc rudiment .


  4. Agat transcripts first appeared in the yolk syncytial layer ( YSL ) at gastrula stage .


  5. The ECs derived from the zebrafish at gastrula stage were isolated and sub-cultured with the trypsin digestion .


  6. Embryonic development period including 4 stages : gastrula stage , early trochophore stage in egg membrane , late trochophore stage in egg membrane and at the moment of hatching stage ;


  7. Embryos at 4 ~ 8 cell stage showed higher survival rate and lower abnormal embryo rate than embryos at multicellular stage or early gastrula stage when radiated at the same dose and dose rate .


  8. When the cleavage furrow of the two cell stage was irradiated with an energy density of 623 μ J / μ m ~ 2 , most of the embryos died in the gastrula stage .


  9. But the development of the CNS is almost mormal when embryos were treated with RA after the gastrula stage , then it did not inhibit the gastrulation and consequently neural induction .


  10. From fertilized eggs to newly hatched larvae , can be divided into 4 main stages ; including cleavage stage , blastula stage , gastrula stage and formation of embryo stage , total 22 embryonic development stages .


  11. The putative PGCs with Cf-vasa expression form in gastrula stage , and are located symmetrically at both sides of the stomodeum in trochophore . These cells subsequently migrate to the posterior pole of D-shaped larva and then migrate towards abdomen .


  12. The incubation period is 66 hours from 18 to 22 ℃ . The embryonic development process can be divided into 6 stages , including fertilized egg , cell cleavage , blastula , gastrula , neural stage and organ formation , and there are thirty-one developmental phases observed noticeably .


  13. However , the embryos at gastrula or heart beating stage were very sensitive to UV irradiation , showing just damage effect , which was very strong even at very low amount of the UV irradiation .
